What are the most popular podcasts in the UK right now?

Top 25 UK Podcasts

Edison Research have released their latest Podcast metrics for the UK covering Q3 of 2023. The survey interviews over 2,000 people to gather their weekly podcast listening and, after all that, has depressingly concluded that Joe Rogan is the UK’s most listened to show.

Right, I’m off. Please can the last person out set fire to the place.

At least it’s nice to have an overall view. The nature of a show like Rogan’s, as a Spotify exclusive, is that it doesn’t show up on the Apple charts so can go unnoticed/ignored by many. The Apple charts are also based on a mysterious algorithm rather than week to week listening figures, so can also sometimes forget big shows that have steady loyal audiences.

It’s an eclectic mix of shows, including comedy, news, history and interviews, with many of the top podcasts being largely the ones you’d expect – Off Menu, News Agents, Shagged Married Annoyed etc – along with shows like ‘ The Fellas ’ which are … ummm… not for people like me.

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