Summer lovin’, had me a [pod]caaaaaasssst

In the summertime when the weather is high

You can stretch right up and touch the sky

When the weather’s fine

You got podcasts, you got podcasts on your mind

The rest of that song (and indeed the one in the title of this blog) is somewhat problematic in 2020, but you get the point.

In actual fact, you’ve almost certainly got podcast conferences on your mind.

PodComms 2020 on Weds July 29th to be precise – a virtual session dedicated to the use of podcasts in corporate communications. I know I have. It’s sponsored by us, and will be full of tips, tricks and fascinating speakers (and me) about how to turn your brand into a great original podcast.

We’re taking a little break over the summer to go and feel our toes in the sand, stare at sparkling water and enjoy all the free hand sanitiser everywhere. So we’re giving you a summer special with a few more podcasts than normal to keep your heavily sunscreened ears happy for the next few weeks.


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