Podcasts for a weird time – Remote recording for your internal & external comms

Suddenly our focus has totally shifted.

For the last five years we’ve built Fresh Air to create podcasts that are inventive, adventurous, beautiful and engaging. They’re crafted in studios, the scripts are agonised over and the edits are shared again and again until they’re perfect. They win awards and I post the pictures all over Linkedin.

Those will carry on, and we’ll continue to be very proud of them.

But we’re not in award ceremony world right now.

The questions this week are –  Can we record remotely? How quickly can we get started? What’s the turnaround?

Answers: Yes; very quickly; and as quick as you like.

And for the next few months,  podcasts can be a comms lifeline for a business and its staff . A channel where you can speak directly to people who have never felt more disconnected and … well … isolated.

Customers and internal teams need clarity and information . They need to know that the spirit of your business is still there, and that you still have a direct line to them, giving regular updates and answering their questions.

Long blogs don’t cut it. They won’t be read.

Videos are tricky right now, and they’re not quick.

Podcasts are personal, direct, and intimate.  Your staff or customers can listen daily, consuming them on their phones as part of their routine, and getting what they need in perfectly judged tone.

The content can be hosted on your own website or intranet, or put out on iTunes, Spotify etc around the world.

We can record with anyone, anywhere, with simple remote recording . We can put everything in place for a podcast recording, and all the participants need is a laptop and a half decent broadband connection.

So let’s talk about how we can help to create the podcast that does the perfect job for you in these weird, weird times.

Then when this is all over, we’ll win you an award.

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