Fresh Air Media

So what is Fresh Air Media, and why work with us?

Podcasts and Audio are growing fast – audiences are at an all-time high and audio was the fastest growing digital channel in 2023. Audio offers brands unrivalled headphones-on attention, authenticity, hard to reach audiences and amazing brand perception shifts.

But that growth is slowing – brands crowd around too few podcasts and platforms, goals can be ill-defined, audiences skip or tune out of ads and the industry risks becoming a race to the bottom where messages are less effective, badly targeted and dominated by robots.

We think there’s space for original thinking for brands in podcasting. Although we’ve been doing this for a long time, today, we’ve put a new shiny label on it.

Fresh Air Media starts now. We help build brands through audio.

So what does that actually mean?

We build a brand’s audio strategy – connecting their business objectives with the audio channels and setting goals to thrive in the long term with great sounds.

Write, produce, plan and buy audio campaigns for brands and agencies – independent, bespoke, creative.

Launch, grow and build your podcasts – whether made by Fresh Air Production or in-house.

Turn flatlining podcasts into next level franchise brands across multiple channels, growing impact, audience and revenue.

So, if that sounds like something you would be interested in, then let’s start a conversation –

We’ve already been working with BBC Storyworks, Tripadvisor, Google, Legal and General, Barclays, Iress, ACCA and many more we can’t mention right now. Join us at

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