Digital Rituals to Fuel Our Everyday

Rituals, a series of repeated and sequenced actions with a collective or personal meaning, have been part of our social and cultural history back to the earliest days of our human evolution. In fact, sociologists have described rituals as some of the most meaningful experiences we can have as humans.

But what do our modern rituals look like? Most of us are partaking in rituals each and every day, from the way you drink your morning coffee, to how you make your bed and travel into work. And of course, the content you listen to while engaging in these daily moments are all rituals in action. Podcasts frame the background of these daily activities, with the ability to drive meaning across our everyday lives. But while modern rituals have taken new forms, the meaning they imbue on our lives has remained consistent. Rituals are fundamental to what makes us human, and have a wide ranging impact on wellbeing.

Rituals of any kind provide a consistency that our brain absolutely loves. They act as a buffer against uncertainty and anxiety, and create a sense of connection to oneself and others in a shared experience. Interestingly we don’t have to be physically together to share in this connection. In digital communities, including listeners to the same podcast, we experience the benefits of this connection. The enjoyment and benefit of listening to a show is facilitated in part by forging connections with hosts and as well as other listeners during the experience.

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