Content Wars

I predict a riot.

Ok. Well maybe not a riot .

But a mini-revolution at the least.

It feels like podcasting has reached a point where it’s now very definitely mainstream.

Even my mum understands what it is, even if she hasn’t actually listened to one.

And that’s a fairly decent indicator.

But the danger of the medium becoming a mainstream part of popular culture, is that there’s so much content to consume that most of it gets lost in the chaos of the crowd. With so many voices shouting for our attention, what do you need to do to stand out?

Well, aside from having a highly strategic marketing and promo battle plan , you need to create content that disturbs the peace.

Content that wages war on the mundane. Content that fights its way to the top of our Follow and Subscribe lists by being either better and more distinctive than its peers, or by breaking the mould and being essentially, peerless.

Yes, yes. That’s all very well. I get the analogy. Riotous content blah blah.

But what might it actually mean ?

Well for what it’s worth, this is what I predict…

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