Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum.
Best Podcast – General Series – Food & Beverage: The Science Behind Your Salad – BASF. Silver, 2022 Best Podcast – General Series – Science & Education: The Science Behind Your Salad – BASF. Silver, 2022
I was looking for anacondas on horseback in Argentina when I realised I was walking on a crocodile’s face. Funnily enough, this is not something I’ve ever said. However, it is a quote from one of the podcasts we recorded this week. I can’t disclose anything about it right now, but I think you can…
I love you. I’ve never found the right time or way to say it before, but a podcast-related newsletter on Valentine’s Day feels perfect. Don’t worry, you don’t have to say it back straight away. I understand it might have come as a bit of a shock and you’ll need time to process things. Please…
We all know that the idea of Blue Monday is a load of rubbish invented by a holiday company, so I hereby declare today to be Orange Friday. We’ve been going at it now for three weeks of 2025 and so we’re really into the swing of things. We’re feeling energised, up-and-at-‘em, excited about the…